Sunday, September 22, 2013

Autism (Definition, History)

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Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by social impairment, communication problems and stereotyped behaviors. According to the official diagnostic criteria a child must show these symptoms before the age of 3 in order for a diagnosis to be given. Autism disrupts the development of neurons in the brain but the exact pathogenic mechanism is not yet known. Autism is one of the three disorders that belong to the autistic spectrum among Asperger syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

Most parents with autistic children notice symptoms before the children reach the age of two. However, many children develop normally until the age of three and then they start gradually to regress. This phenomenon is called autistic regression. Early and specified therapeutic programs can help children with autism acquire social skills, cope with extreme stress and develop their language abilities. More and more people believe that autism should not be regarded as a disorder but as a difference to be respected.


The Latin word “autismus” was first mentioned by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler in 1910. He derived this word from the Greek word autos (meaning self). With this term he wanted to point out the pathological self - indulgence of some individuals who seem to withdraw completely from the outer world. They become so consumed with their inner phantasies that each external stimulus becomes annoying. This is one of the main characteristics of autism as known today.

Leo Kanner was the first psychiatrist who introduced the term autism with its current meaning in 1943. At the time he was studying eleven children who exhibited extreme remoteness and inflexible behavior. In his effort to describe these behaviors he came up with the term early infantile autism. 

After Leo Kanner many psychiatrists used the term to describe various pathologies. This initially caused problems because autism was confused with children’s schizophrenia or mental retardation. Since the late 1960’s autism is established as a separate form of pathology and is distinguished from other developmental disorders. 

What is your experience with autism and autistic children? Please share in the comments below.

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