Friday, September 20, 2013

ADHD (Causes, Treatment)

What causes ADHD?

Photo by Lasse Kromann
Scientists are not exactly sure what may cause ADHD.  Many different factors such as genes, environment and diet may contribute to the disorder.

     Genes: results of several international studies have shown that ADHD is passed from one generation to the other. Scientists try to find which specific genes or combination of genes is responsible for ADHD in order to eliminate the risks of developing the disorder.  

     Environmental factors: studies have found that children who were exposed to lead during infancy have more possibilities of developing ADHD. Also children whose mother smoked systematically or drank alcohol during pregnancy are more at risk of developing ADHD.  

     Food additives: there is no research that directly connects ADHD with food additives. However, some children may develop symptoms of ADHD when they eat food with additives, preservatives and artificial flavors quite often. A diet with less of these ingredients may help eliminate the symptoms.

How is ADHD treated?

     Current treatment of ADHD aims at mitigating the symptoms and improving the everyday life of the child. Possible treatments include medication, psychotherapy, parents’ counseling or a combination of the above.

     Medication: stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines are the most common medicine used for ADHD. Although it seems strange to prescribe stimulants to overly active children, this medicine activates specific brain circuits that enhance focus and attention. For some children this medication can be quite effective. It can help them reduce their hyperactive behavior and assist them in learning and completing tasks at school. However, one type of medication may be appropriate for one child but not for another. Close monitoring by the pediatrician is always needed to define the special needs of each child and eliminate the possible side effects.  

     Psychotherapy: different types of psychotherapy are used for ADHD. One of them is behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy involves practical tasks such as learning how to complete school work in a specific time, how to monitor one’s own behavior, to praise oneself after a positive behavior or how to control your anger. Therapists can also teach children social skills such as waiting for their turn, asking what they want in a polite way, expressing their feelings and understanding the feelings of other children. 

     Parents’ Counseling: children with ADHD need a lot of support from their parents in order to build their self-esteem and achieve their academic goals. Before ADHD is diagnosed much frustration, anger and disappointment may exist in the family. Parents themselves often need help to overcome these feelings and stop the vicious cycle of negative emotions. Counselors can teach parents and children how to face the difficult aspects of ADHD by providing information and education.  Last but not least, counselors can encourage parents to praise the child’s strength and abilities and find new constructive ways of communicating.

    What is your experience with ADHD? Please share in the comments below.

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